You have two options, the first is to write a pre-processing exit for the File Directory Receiver that will set the routing information required by Partner Gateway. 您有两种选择,一种选择是为FileDirectoryReceiver编写一个预处理的exit,它将设置PartnerGateway所需要的路由信息。
The ESB requires some form of service routing directory in order to route service requests. ESB需要某种形式的服务路由目录(serviceroutingdirectory)来路由服务请求。
The Domino Directory provides a repository of server-related information and inter-server connectivity based on replication, routing, and instant messaging. DominoDirectory提供了服务器相关信息和基于复制、路由与即时发送消息的服务器间连接信息的资料库。
Proxy server is a special type of IBM Tivoli Directory, server which is capable of receiving requests from the clients and routing them as required. 代理服务器是一种特殊的IBMTivoliDirectoryServer,它们能够从客户机接收请求并根据需要执行路由。
Answer: Unfortunately, the File Directory Target can only handle parsable files, where the routing information is included in the file in a known format ( for example, EDI or XML). 答:遗憾的是,FileDirectoryTarget只能处理可解析文件,其中路由信息以已知的格式(例如EDI或XML)包含到该文件中。
Business Service Directory provides service routing information that the ESB is relying on, while supporting communications between service requestors and providers. 业务服务目录提供ESB所依赖的服务路由信息,同时支持服务请求者和提供者之间的通信。
Specify a maximum size for the directory that contains routing table log files. 指定包含路由表日志文件的目录的最大大小。